aching urns | c

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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played by


abby, lady taipan
31 years old
November 3rd
bar owner, drug manufacturer
don't come back.
5'6" height
5'6" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
200 posts
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TAG WITH @absinthe
Absinthe Blackwood
aching urns | c
POSTED ON Sept 25, 2024 2:30:05 GMT
Absinthe Blackwood Avatar

most days, absinthe wouldn't have given a second thought about having the snake pit evacuated of patrons. such a directive would be reserved only for team rocket's highest echelon members who would bask in their shared domination. however, for the first time in a long time, absinthe did not recognize the name that she had been given by her higher ups, and rocket had been stingy in giving any details about her guest. amaretta irwin.[break][break]

the dim lightning casts sharp shadows across the bar's weathered counter as absinthe cleans it in wide sweeping motions, wrangling glasses to give the sense that she is simply doing her job. she eyes the large double doors to the snake pit with tension in her sharp green eyes. it would be sensible to appear nonchalant for whoever this allegra burns was, to show she was unperturbed by power and capable of shrouding her darkest curiosities. only her tremoring hands betray her otherwise impenetrable facade. a faded, old grand piano glints at her from a dingy corner of the building.[break][break]

absinthe's fingers hover near her revolver hidden on the shelf below the bar, loaded and a hairsbreadth from reach. the lack of information about this impending arrival unnerves her to a maddening degree. out of habit, she glances to the corner of the bar where a tall, dark figure with piercing black eyes stands sentinel. tryptophan, her shiinotic. the irony that this particular pokémon is able to arouse more fear in absinthe than any rocket grunt would be endearing if she didn't have more important matters to attend to.[break][break]

she hates how it watches her.[break][break]

as the door to the snake pit creaks open, absinthe takes a shaky breath and busies herself with filling a shot glass with an amber liquid, maintaining the appearance of a barmaid waiting on her VIP. what an odd day.



- n/a



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played by


Amaretta Irwin
march 15
Hearthome City, Sinnoh
violinist & coordinator
there must be something strangely sacred in salt; it is in our tears and in the sea.
14 posts
part of
TAG WITH @allegra
aching urns | c
POSTED ON Sept 27, 2024 13:27:49 GMT
[attr="class","pilotsb allegra"]

i must go down to the seas again[break]to the lonely sea and the sky




The Snake Pit is not a place that Allegra would ever set foot in if she had any choice in the matter; except, of course, that she isn't Allegra but rather Amaretta Irwin at the moment, and Amaretta likes this sort of bar well enough.[break][break]

There's more to her disguise — and to any other she might wear — than a simple change in preferences, though; more thanthe wig made of real silvery hair and the emerald contacts, though they no doubt help on a surface level. Yet a well-crafted persona must go deeper: Amaretta carries herself differently from Allegra, with a much colder demeanor; Amaretta’s grace is the grace of a knife's edge sharpened to perfection.[break][break]

She supposes that, for all of Noemi Fisk's wrongs, her tyrant of a mother did at least teach her some useful skills. Not that she would ever thank the woman for them, since Noemi is the reason she went into the criminal underworld to begin with, but the lessons in putting on a mask and minding her self-presentation at all times have served her well.[break][break]

(There's a sense of freedom, too, in wearing the skin of Amaretta. She is anonymous, unknown, and she has no ties to the Fisk Conglomerate whatsoever. But she must not think of this now, lest her mask crack.)[break][break]

“Afternoon,” she says by way of greeting as she walks up to the bar, carefully manicured but unpainted fingernails drumming on the countertop. Allegra would've smiled and asked the barmaid’s name, inquired whether they offer her drink of choice, but not Amaretta. “I’ll have some whiskey.”



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it's a long life full of long nights

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The Enroi Region
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